Let single member districts elect officials; eliminate at-large, winner-take-all systems that entrench incumbents funded by special interests; make every vote count
At-large elections are the ultimate gerrymander. Once special interests are able to install a winner-take-all slate in a large city of school district, few grass-roots candidates can afford to challenge them. Elected officials become accountable to special interests instead of neighborhood voters.
ONTARIO {NEW} Fair Ontario asks court to enforce settlement, approve map to protect voters, not incumbents
Victorville to consider collaborative compliance with California Voting Rights Act.
Covina asked to change election date and consider annexing Latino colonias.
San Juan USD faces writ petition after it attempts to delay election in West Arden Arcade until 2024 (or 2026!)
San Mateo conducts hearings but won't guarantee compliance in 2022.
Successful collaborations under CVRA
Antioch, Antioch USD, Brentwood, Concord, Mt Diablo USD, San Ramon Valley USD, San Ramon, Dublin-San Ramon Services District, Richmond, West Contra Costa Wastewater District, City of Napa, Napa Valley USD, Folsom-Cordova USD, Washington USD
Litigation under Voting Rights Act of 1965
West Contra Costa Unified School District - court-ordered independent redistricting commission
Ontario - settlement pending
Current Projects
San Juan USD, Natomas USD, Folsom, Santa Clarita, Montebello, San Mateo, Hawyard, San Mateo-Foster City ESD, West Sacramento, Placer County Board of Education

An amicus letter to the California Supreme Court from the Dolores Huerta Foundation
Democracy needs to promote neighborhood candidates and voter engagement in every community.
Contact inquiry@neighborhoodelections.com for more information on district elections and California Voting Rights Act